it is for my class project in introduction to entrepreneurship.
we were given the assignment to make a youtube video and grades are distributed throughout the groups based on the number of hits your youtube video gets, kind of silly but any hits from LP would help a lot! thanks.
posting from laptop so not sure of exact stats, but I got about $2500 in January with a large chunk from clearing bonuses. will update later when I get home. um I haven't played since like Jan 20th, lost my fire I guess due to resubbing to World of Warcraft.
also school has started again and I have very little idea of what's happening in most of my classes. need to get back to poker soon!
I think this is the most volume I've ever put in an entire month, let alone half a month. I'm really inspired to play right now, I think watching some coaching videos is a part of that, and I just don't wanna be a busto anymore. I'm adding a couple of NL200 tables to my sessions now, I'm gonna see how that goes. I also regained my Black Card Status, so I'm looking to chase after the next two tiers. If I earn about 3k points a day for a month, I can get the highest tier easily. Good luck at the tables everyone.